Monday, January 25, 2010

New blog:

You will find the day's topic and must post on the new blog:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Imperialism in China: The Good Earth

You are required to individually read the book The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. This book identifies the effects of imperialism as it is happening. Please take notes on the text for each chapter. Your focus is on imperialism and how the author conveys the causes/effects on the social, economic and political aspects of China. The author's message may be direct or blatent. It may be subtle or indirect. You need to find out how the author feels about the impact of imperialism on this area.

Complete these questions every twenty pages or so:
1. Describe the main characters.
2. Describe their actions, personalities, beliefs, religions and moral systems.
3. Describe the main characters' lifestyle/setting/socioeconomic situation.
4. Do you like this character? Explain your answer in detail.

After each chapter, answer these questions briefly:
1. Has imperialism arrived in this country yet? If so, identify how you know this citing instances (subtle or blatent).
2. If so, has imperialism helped or hindered your main character? Cite!!!
3. If not, do you think imperialism will help or hinder your character? Explain. Cite examples to support your reasons.

Try to think about this from the natives' and from the imperialists' perspectives. Think about White Man's Burden and also the burden on the native people. Look for subtle clues why imperialism will/has helped or will/has hurt the natives.

Blog entries: Blog entries are not required until Jan. 25th. I will post a question a day from Jan. 25th- 29th about the book. YOU MUST RESPOND TO THE DAILY QUESTION.